Middle Tennessee’s Harpeth River is a pretty and remarkable body of water. Scenic and pleasant, it boasts a myriad of opportunities for locals to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature. Fishing, paddling, simple riverside strolls, and even a good old fashioned creek stomping are welcome here!
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) agrees it’s a wonderful place to enjoy year-round outdoor fun. That’s why the Harpeth is one of the waterways currently undergoing winter stocking of rainbow trout.
Tennessee Trout Fishing
While winter trout fishing often brings to mind traveling to chillier climates like Idaho, Colorado or even Alaska, the TWRA offers rainbow trout fishing closer to home. Not only can you reconnect to nature and feed the need to fish, you can do it without the worry of traveling during the pandemic. Angling for these agile and mobile fish in moving waters is a beautiful dichotomy between patience, intelligence and adrenaline. And by staying in the lovely Harpeth, you also have the opportunity to introduce the sport and these virtues to the next generation. Angling for stocked trout is an excellent option for young or first-time fishers.
(A trout license is required in addition to a fishing license.)
Threats to the River
Not only is the Harpeth a wonderful source of enjoyment in Williamson County, it also boasts rich aquatic biodiversity as well as being a source of drinking water for nearby residents. The Harpeth has found its name on one list it needs to get off….America’s Most Endangered Rivers! Coupled with the recent rapid growth of cities like Franklin, the Harpeth could be in trouble.
Impairments and threats include couplings like the naturally low level in the summer with the increase of demands, as well as man made issues such as stormwater runoff and treated sewage discharge and other pollutants.
Protect the Water
There are a few things you can personally do to protect the Harpeth and other local watersheds and sources.
- Reduce usage. Take short showers instead of baths. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. Rinse dishes as they are ready instead of filling an entire sink with water. These little steps can make a big difference in reducing your water usage (and bill!).
- Use non-toxic household products. Remember what you rinse down the drain may return to the waterway.
- Pick up Pet Waste. Pet waste running into a storm drain can spread bacteria.
- Watch What You Put into Groundwater or Storm Drains. Whatever you allow to run down the storm drain or soak into the ground returns to the waterways.
If you are trying to protect your family, home and pets from the bacteria, smells and dangers lurking in your outdoor trash cans, you may be tempted to clean them with soap or chemicals. This not only uses a great deal of water, it allows those soaps or chemicals to leech back to the waterway.
Instead, contact Envirobinz Trash Bin Cleaning Services at 615-368-3999 or email info@envirobinz.net. The specially designed process uses heated water and high-pressure spray to kill bacteria without any chemicals. Additionally, Envirobinz uses less water and the dirty water is collected into a holding tank. Water is responsibly disposed of, so that it does not go into storm drains or waterways and protects the Harpeth watershed.
You end up with a sanitized trash bin, no mess or work, and cleaner water with which to fish, enjoy and drink. To establish service at your home, call 615-368-3999.